An ode to mentors

Remember those prompts that you had to write about in elementary school?  It went something like this: "Who do you look up to?".  Just so you know, this is not going to be an all out love fest for my well loved parents.  While I still request their advice weekly and look up to them in so many ways, there are a plethora of opportunities for mentors in life.  I stopped to consider recently why my cup runneth over in mentorship and I imagine it is due to my avid reading of self help and self discovery books coupled with genuine curiosity and desire for personal and professional growth.

What spurred these thoughts of people I look up to?  I have been working at a Homework Center with a woman that both inspires me and lifts me up.  After only 3 short months, it is time for me to move on.  Even before my time was up, I knew that I had to soak in the presence of Gaea during our time together.  When I first met Gaea, I had no idea that she would become a part of my collection of stars that guide me through trying situations in life just by conjuring up her essence.   I guess what first impressed me is that Gaea, with all her beautiful energy, is using someone else's heart.  Fifteen years ago she had a heart transplant.  But that is just the middle of the list.  From being true to herself, to competing in para olympics, to following her heart, to writing a book, to finding her soulmate; she has amassed many extraordinary experiences and the wisdom that comes with them.   The fact that she created such a beautiful and selfless center dedicated to helping students succeed and run on volunteer hours fills me with joy.  It gives me hope.  

I have been surrounded by many beautiful people carrying different torches.  It seems improbable that I have had numerous opportunities to meet and be inspired and then cheered and coerced by a myriad of strong people.  So why am I so lucky?  I think to be a men-tee you have to have the humility and the lack of ego to allow for guidance.  You have to recognize that you are an unfinished product and to WANT TO LEARN.  If we are not on a path of continual self growth then it is difficult to accept guidance.  Letting go of ego allows one to accept that someone else may have something to offer.  It's like working on an infinite puzzle.  Would you want to be at the table alone scrutinizing over the pieces for eternity?  Wouldn't it be nice to have another person helping to complete the picture?  If the puzzle is infinite it is never complete but the picture just keeps getting bigger and maybe even more colorful.  That's the kind of life I want.  A big and colorful life.  And so far I'm getting it but I still need more colors, more breadth.

So stop and take a look at the wonderful things people are doing, or enduring, all around them.  The human spirit is remarkable.  We should all take time to admire it and to recognize the life accomplishments of those near and far.  We can be each others hands and feet and continually propel one another upward until no one is on top but we are all moving forward.  It feels good to help and it feels good to be helped.  It even feels good to see someone helping someone else.  You want good news?  Go out and make it!  Or just open your eyes because the chances are there is good happening right in front of you.  Recognize it.  Learn from it.  Be a part of it. Inspiration is the espresso of the soul and gives us the energy to create.  Go make something beautiful.


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