Funny little thing?
Yesterday I was having a minor melt down. For me it was major but today when I classified it as a major meltdown one of my classmates said, "Honey, if that's all you got, you can't be serious. You don' wanna even be near when I have a meltdown!"
It started with not having adequate sleep for 3 days. Stress was, of course, the issue. I was stressed about school and a project I am working on and am stressed about my living arrangement. Weird dreams came into play. I dreamt I was in a high school and going to graduate school at the same time because I had forgotten to quite my job. There was a guest appearance by a grad student from Denmark whom I am friends with. He came into my room and told me off and I had to send him to the principal. And on and on it went. Each time I woke up I thought "this is so weird, damn it!" and proceeded to fall right back into the dream.
Morning. Tired. I have been having an issue with the noise at my house and the cleanliness. I woke up to my host mom yelling at the 3 year old to stop crying. REPEATEDLY yelling at a 3 year old to stop crying. Do you see the logic in this? Can you imagine how the noise never stops? When I arrived in the kitchen to have breakfast, my fruit plate was sitting next to a knife covered in peanut butter and ..... ants. Hundreds of ants. Also in close proximity was a bag of rotting pejivalle fruit and molded bread. I commented to my host mom about the ants and cleaned them up. I then said, "Oh! Look at this rotting fruit and bread!" And took them outside to the trash. As I ate my breakfast, Nora (host mom) proceeded to pack my lunch - last nights sea-food soup that had spent the night out on the stove. I told her I didn't want to eat that again and I would buy lunch. This is not the fist time I have pointed out food covered in ants and rotting food to Nora. I have been cleaning the kitchen daily to no avail. You cannot leave food out here! But she does. Last weekend I got sick. Surprise! I have a stomach ailment.
So, the meltdown was brought on by being tired and having to find a new residence. I'll be moving in November. To where? I'm not sure but I must for my sanity! I had downloaded the reading for the next days class. 140 pages! During class the professor asked if anyone had questions about the course. I said, "Last night I downloaded tomorrows readings and one document was 40 pages and the other 100." Victor replied, "Yes." And I said, "Is that correct?" And the entire class burst out laughing. OK. I haven't perfected being a graduate student. Luckily, to save me from disgrace, several students came up to me after class thankful that I had asked because they hadn't seen the reading yet. They said that they would have asked the same thing!
Change in Educational Systems readings for 2 weeks |
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