Musings of post graduate on an important lesson
I guess maybe I haven't had the time to write this blog entry or maybe it's the desire. Admitting that my time here is coming to an end is well, here's a list of things I've been feeling: sad, exited, terrified, ready, uncertain, lighthearted, stressed, grateful, love, happy, melancholy, adventurous, free....I really can't keep track. The people I have had the good fortune to meet and spend a year with are definitely what makes this year worth it. I would do it again, if I were asked. I wouldn't give up any of them. Now that they are in my life, I need them there. Their contribution to my learning both in and out of the classroom was exceptional and their friendship is a treasure. How else could we have met? Under what other circumstances? Beautiful, loving friends from Nigeria, Israel, Rwanda, India, USA, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Indonesia, South Korea, Canada, Spain and so many more places. It's overwhelming, really. So is ...