Practicing Peace

Many people are confused when they hear about the University for Peace. They may wonder, "What happens up there?" It sounds mystical and brings to mind images of hippies and tree huggers convening in some kind of utopia. I can assure you, we are enrolled in graduate school and as you know from me, are kept quite busy with our studies. That being said, some of the most important learning does not take place in a classroom. We are 180 students from over 50 countries. It sounds interesting, no? A lot of fun, right? Yes, it is but it is also a perfect place for misunderstandings and conflict. We are essentially practicing peace in a microcosm of the world. Globalization is as real as it's going to get. Our economies are all tied together and so is how we manage our daily lives, not only because of our economic effect on others, but also our environmental impact on our global home. In order to reduce some of the injustices...