
Showing posts from March, 2012

If my vagina could talk...

Well, telling you what my vagina would say seems a bit personal here.  If it could go on vacation, it would go to Manuel Antonio to bask on the beach and explore the jungle.  It is actually going to Florida to visit with family over Semana Santa, which it is also very excited about. I was a part of the Vagina Monologues at UPEACE.  The show is put on around the world by various groups and organizations to support VDAY, a global movement to fight violence against women.  The Monologues are a series of women's stories from around the world.  They are about suffering, liberation, freedom, sex and what it's like being a vagina.  Women interviewed were actually asked "If your vagina could talk, what would it say?" and similar questions.  The result is a show that is provocative, informative, sad and funny. Auditions were in December and the show took place last weekend, March 23 & 24.  The process was long, exhausting, fun and very worthwhile. ...

Occupy Our Food Supply

Why is food so important?  Why do I keep bringing it up?  Sooo many reasons.  Food is more than sustenance it is an experience.   It can help us lead healthy lives.   We celebrate with food, gather the family around food, and make it the center of social events.   We should  be conscious about our food, where it comes from and how we experience it.  Many diets claim that conscious eating and being aware of how food looks, smells, tastes and feels in your mouth will help you gain satisfaction from your eating experience and therefore eat less.  But think about it, eating takes up a great deal of our time.  We have to do it several times a day.  Why not enjoy the process? Fresh strawberries at the market. This is how I opened up my workshop on the importance of eating local last week.  I took part in the Occupy Our Food Supply movement on February 27 by presenting a workshop on campus.  I prepared a plate of local...