
Right at this very moment I am most thankful that I have finished my paper for the class "Building a Culture of Peace. It last clocked in at 40 pages. It took me most of one week to write. Literally, MOST of one week. Each morning I parked myself at our kitchen counter with my coffee cup and computer and could be found there until evening. My roommate Jen commented this morning that it's like groundhog day, I'm always there when she wakes up! While writing this paper I felt like it sucked. Some of my words and sections seemed amazingly brilliant yet made no sense while others just made no sense. Somehow, today, it all came together. Here is a piece of my intro: Creating a culture of peace is creating a sustainable future for generations to come. It supports empathy, compassion, and good communication with all people regardless of race, nationality, religion, ethnicity, gender, ability and sexual preference. I...